What You Need to Know About Timber Windows
If you’re thinking about installing timber windows in your home, you need to know a few things first. Firstly, you should know that British Standard BS644 specifies certain design features for timber windows and doors. It also provides some useful tips to make your project a success. You should also check the warranty of your new windows and doors before purchasing them.
Redwood pine
Redwood pine timber windows have become a popular choice for traditional homes in Europe. Originally used in the seventeenth century, this wood is now grown in sustainable plantations. While it is relatively resistant to decay, it still needs to be maintained in good condition to maintain its beauty.
Hardwood windows and doors have many benefits including their timeless appeal, energy efficiency, and versatility in design. Many of these products are made from sustainably sourced, high quality materials. While PVC windows and doors are the industry leaders, hardwood windows and doors are still a desirable choice for those looking for a sophisticated, classic look.
Oak timber windows are one of the most popular choices for new build properties. These windows can add style to your property and improve its energy efficiency. You can choose from different brands and designs that fit in with the overall style of your property.
There are two main types of wood used for timber windows: hardwood and softwood. Many manufacturers now make wood windows using FSC-certified timber, which ensures the sustainability of the timber’s source. These windows can be a great choice if you want to support sustainable forestry. Some companies are committed to this cause and have even visited areas of illegal logging in tropical forests.
Baltic softwoods
The most common timber used in traditional windows in Europe is European Redwood. This material has been a popular choice since the late seventeenth century. It is a variety of pine, fir and spruce that is cultivated in sustainable plantations. Although not as hard-wearing as old-growth timbers, this material still requires maintenance and good care to ensure its quality.
The replacement window industry has largely relied on PVC-U windows to replace traditional timber windows in homes. Using decades of marketing, they’ve persuaded many home owners to discard their old timber windows as rotten, drafty, or beyond repair. However, there are many ways to keep timber windows in good condition. By performing simple repairs and upgrades, they can be kept fit for purpose.
Timber windows from the 1960s or 1970s often need replacement. While it is tempting to retain the old joinery wherever it is sound, it is better to replace it with new windows in the case of a deteriorating window. In that case, it is better to use heartwood of a durable softwood species such as imported Douglas fir or Scots pine. If you do decide to replace the existing timber window, pre-treatment with a preservative will help to extend its life.
Factory finishing
When considering a new timber window, make sure it is factory finished. This means that it has been constructed under optimum conditions, with perfect humidity levels and temperature control. It is also important to choose a supplier that offers extensive third-party certification and comprehensive warranties. The type of timber used can also affect the lifespan of the joinery.
Timber windows can have a long service life if they are designed and built correctly. The durability of timber windows and doors is determined by the performance of their external joinery. This external joinery should have robust joints and all fixings should be concealed below the timber surface. For added longevity, a manufacturer should control moisture levels in the timber. For this reason, consumers should ask for samples and ask about the manufacturer’s moisture control practices.
If you’re in the market for new timber windows, getting several quotes will ensure that you get the best possible deal. Make sure you have measurements, drawings, and other specifics of what you want. Getting multiple quotes also saves you from contacting numerous companies. Simply enter your postcode and get quotes from tradespeople in your local area.